Running Jenkins job after few jobs ended, using Join plug-in


you have 4 jobs, job1, job2, job3, job 4

job1 executes job2 and job3, and you want to run job4 only after both job2 and job3 finished:

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  1. Install the Join Plug in:
  2. In Job1 > Configure, Post-build Actions, add Join Trigger
    1. Select trigger from drop-down (Success/Unstable/Failure/Aborted)
    2. Check the Run post-build actions at join checkbox, it will open the Post-Join Actions section
    3. check the Trigger parameterized build on other projects checkbox
    4. in Projects to build insert the Job that should run after the parallel Jobs finished (Job4 in our example), select trigger and choos if need to pass parameters
    5. Add more post-build action in order to run the parallel Jobs from the first Job (Job2 and Job3 in our example). if you want to pass parameters use the trigger parameterized build Plug-in (Jenkins Parameterized Trigger plugin)

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